Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, designed to answer your questions quickly and efficiently!



How can I track my order?

After making your purchase, you will receive an email with a tracking link. In addition, you can log in to your account and track the status of your order in the "Order Tracking" section.


How long does it take for my order to arrive?

Delivery time varies depending on location and shipping option selected. You can check the delivery estimate on the product page or in the "Order Tracking" section after making the purchase.

What do I do if my product arrives damaged or defective?

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact our customer service via info@wishapop.com or call us at 1+(888) 884-3801 to resolve the issue and arrange a return or replacement.

How do I return an item?

Start the return process in the "Returns" section of your account. There you will find detailed instructions and you will be able to generate a shipping label.

How do I contact customer service?

You can contact our customer service team via info@wishapop.com or call us at 1+(888) 884-3801. We're here to help.


Need a Help?

  • phone 2 1+(888) 884-3801
  • messenger 1 Messenger
  • telegram 1 Telegram
  • email 1 Email:info@wishapop.com

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If you do not find the answer you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to make your Wishapop shopping experience as pleasant as possible. Thank you for choosing us!