Refund Policy

You can receive an order from us, find many products with unique discounts, and also, if necessary, contact the service center.


Refund Policy of Wishapop in accordance with our sales policy, all of our sales are final and non-refundable. Which eliminates the responsibility of Wishapop, its agents, affiliates, partners, employees, founders and owners. If your order was stopped, seized, confiscated, destroyed, lost, delayed or returned, by the Customs of your country or international postal services.



If you have decided to use the fast-shipping carrier DHL Express or FedEx. If you return the package for any reason, as soon as we receive the package back.


In that case we will resend the package free of charge. This new shipment will be by national mail Serpost regular delivery. Regardless of the state of the product. Since some products are natural and the passage of time can affect their quality. Natural products are not replenished.


If you have decided to use the Serpost carrier for regular shipments and for any reason it is returned to origin. According to our Refund Policy, the same carrier will send you a new free one-time shipment. Unless the product you have ordered is not restricted by DHL Express.



On the other hand, if the package for any reason was stopped, seized, confiscated, destroyed, lost, delayed by the Customs of your country or international postal services of any carrier.


You as a customer agree that all of our sales are final and non-refundable. Which eliminates the responsibility of Wishapop, its agents, affiliates, partners, employees, founders and owners. Thus, we as Wishapop ask our customers to understand that these types of products are not regulated in many cases. In most countries they are products that are not legal but not illegal either. Since customs choose to restrict it.


This situation does not occur in all cases, but if it eventually happens that your package is retained, we present 02 alternatives for our clients. In order to provide transparency and trust, these alternatives are made by fair trade since it is not our intention to take advantage of customers, or leave them to their fate.


We are an indigenous company standing up and taking responsibility. That is why with these alternatives we would not have any utility left from the stopped order and unfortunately this would not include the cost of the new shipment since it would not reach us from the carriers for them the service has already been provided and we do not return anything at all when these cases occur. That is why these alternatives do not include a refund or return.


Alternative 01.

The package is retained in customs, the customer has the benefit of obtaining 01 gift card for the amount of the value of all the products of the order that was retained. This gift card will not have an expiration date and will be valid to buy any product in our store. Keep in mind that the amount of the discount card may include shipping costs if you decide to buy other products that have a lower cost. Otherwise, you would have to bear the cost of the difference generated if it exceeds the amount of the gift card. The card can be obtained by contacting us at the email: or our WhatsApp 1+(888) 884-3801

Alternative 02.


The package is held in customs, the customer has the benefit of a one-time reshipment where we cover the total cost of the ordered products and the customer only has to bear the cost of the new shipment. By doing this. We would not keep any profit from the previous stopped order.


Unfortunately, this is not enough to cover the costs of the new shipment. The client can vary the quantities or modify the order if he so decides and the total cost would be defined in the preliminary order to be made prior coordination. You can contact us to place your preliminary order applying the discount of the products of the stopped order, you just have to contact us by email: or our WhatsApp 1+(888) 884-3801.


The customer releases, indemnifies and waives any claim to Wishapop, its agents, affiliates, partners, employees, founders and owners. Of any dispute about the available payment method. Any other liability that arises. If the client decides to change his mind. After our refund policy have been accepted after the payment has been made and the new order has been shipped.

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Refund Policy